About Me


Hey lovely!

I’m Antoinette, and I am from a beautiful little country, New Zealand. I live with my partner in crime, talented photographer and travel buddy, Richard. We shoot almost every weekend and without him, this little space would not be possible.

I have worked as a hairstylist for the past 6 years. Winning multiple awards and working some very cool shows. Working for the likes of Pandora, New Zealand Fashion Week, GHD and more.. I became interested in fashion after I started working on these shows and was admiring the clothes almost more than the hair.

I am a social media fanatic, slightly shoe obsessed and a luxury travel lover. I created this space to share with the online world my advice and tips on all the above. For weekly hauls, reviews and advice you can check them out here or to see my daily happenings make sure you check out my  and .