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October 2014


Spring Clean Your Life.

October 16, 2014

I recently read a post about stress and how we all let stress affect us and our bodies. I felt like this was something I wanted to write about because I too, am very guilty of this. When did it become OK for us to walk around with frazzled nerves, sore, tight shoulders and a TO-DO list that resembled a novel? I often find myself missing the days of when I was once “free”. But the truth is, a lot of my stress is my own doing. I want to share a few tips on how to de-stress your life now.


Don’t overbook yourself! Make sure you schedule some time in to just “chill” It doesn’t matter if it’s ten minutes or a whole day.We all need time to relax and remember to enjoy the little things. It’s really important to do the things that you genuinely want to do, whether it’s reading a book or going to yoga. Just be.


Clutter impacts us so much more then we realise and is a major stress factor. The last thing I want to do when I come home from a long day of work is find a messy house. Take a little bit of time out each day to clear the clutter from your life. You can think more clearly at a clean desk and you can find your clothes a lot better in a organised wardrobe. It will only take ten minutes and I can almost guarantee you will feel so much better.


I have to say, I use my iphone calender to it’s full extent. Without it I would be lost. Use your calender so you can organise your days/months ahead of you. Make sure to use it for not only events but when things are due, projects, bills etc. Then when someone asks if you are free on that day you can give them an answer in confidence.


Okay, one that I am working on. Exercise has been proven to improve the quality of our sleep. When we are well rested, we are less likely to stress. Sleep recharges us for the next day and allows our body to heal itself. Make sure you also take time away from the screen or away from work. Going out for a walk or just getting out for half an hour does wonders of the soul and gets the blood pumping. Eating well, of course is a major factor in this too. Making sure you eat well will help regulate our sleep. It’s all apart of it.

I hope this helped, and if you have any tips for me, I’d love to know!


Yin and Yang

October 12, 2014

For this shoot I was able to work alongside a very talented team including Kay Goss and Cathy Pope, both amazing designers that are not only incredibly talented at what they do, but are two of the loveliest ladies I have had the pleasure of working with. First off, lets start with the lingerie and skirts. WOW is all I can say about these phenomenal skirts (they also happen to be named the Antoinette Skirt so it was kind of perfect!) I felt like such a princess rocking around in these, and they definitely caught onlookers attention. The detailing is so beautiful in all of Kay’s designs and I LOVE the Christy Bralette that I’m wearing also. It’s so pretty and delicate!

The gemstone jewellery by Cathy is hand crafted to perfection. We decided to use more neutral toned stones for this shoot but if you check out her website you will find that she has a massive colour range to choose from also. The necklaces are the perfect contrast with feminine stones complimenting the masculine chain.

All credits below and links for Goss Lingerie and Cathy Pope Jewellery too, so you can check out their other amazing designs xx

Photographer: James Yang

Make Up: 

Hair: Audrey Chevallier from Marilyn’s

2nd Model: Vanessa from Bintang Models

Outfits by Kay Goss- Goss Lingerie

Jewellery by  Cathy Pope Jewellery


The down low of Trend Vision Awards

October 7, 2014
     Trend vision is a 2 part competition that takes place all 
     over the world. I had never entered before, but this year 
     I decided I should give it a go, after all this year has 
          been full of new opportunities so why not? 

     The first part is a photo-shoot. Each stylist entering 
      has to organise their own shoot including finding the 
    model, photographer make up artist, styling and retouching. 
     You are judged on hairstyle/colour, make up, outfit and 
   overall look. Overall I'm really happy with my images. It was 
 actually a very last minute shoot, I had shot it the week before 
           but it didn't work out how I had hoped!
   Obviously re-shooting was a good idea because in September, 
 it was announced that I had made the top 12 for young talent!
  I was really not expecting that, so what an amazing surprise! 
    I now had to prepare for Part 2: Live finals (AHHH!)

 Live finals is recreating your look in front of the judges in 
    three hours, which is pretty nerve wracking in itself.
 My original model couldn't make the gig but luckily the lovely 
  Sinead stepped up to the plate for me. Re- creating turned out 
    to be not as stressful as I imagined. I had an awesome 
 team and the lovely Kate from  let me re-borrow the 
    gorgeous knitted dress I used for the original shoot. 
Overall I found the whole day really fun and a great environment. 
The other competitors were lots of fun too, and I can definitely 
       say that I will be entering again next year! 

 At the end of the night it was announced that Chinney from Dharma 
  won Gold for Trend Vision and Natasha won Gold for Young talent, 
                both really well deserved!
Also a MASSIVE thanks to Sinead for being an awesome model and 
           Gabrielle my awesome make up artist!

New Generation Designer: SYZA ZHANG

October 1, 2014


If you saw my last post  then you will know that I love Syza’s designs! Their so unique and fresh and I love the use of colour too. Living in New Zealand, you get so used to people going to the default “black outfits” so when you do see those pops of colour out and about, it’s really refreshing! That’s the same feeling I get when I look at this collection. So last week I decided to go to the ITZME New Market showroom for a quick look around.

I imagine being a fashion designer can’t be an easy task. Coming up with fresh new looks for each season, managing to create something that can grab attention for all the RIGHT reasons and making sure your look is fresh/new/different to everyone else! I have such a massive respect for the designers that have the  ability to do all of this! Syza achieves all of this and more in her designs PLUS she can tailor a jacket to perfection!

On top of all that she is such a sweetheart, so I decided to ask her a couple of questions about her style, fashion do’s, don’ts and what’s coming up for ITZME.

– First up, tell us a bit about yourself 
Hey! I’m Syza, a fashion designer based in New Zealand. I come from China and I have been here for 12 years long. After completing my fashion degree at Massey University in New Zealand, I began my career path in the fashion world with Karen Walker for three and half years.
– In three words how would you describe your fashions and style
Personality, fresh, freedom
– Who would be your IDEAL client?
I am catering for all ages who loves my designs.
– How did you come up with the name ITZME?
The idea of my brand name ” ITZME” is I do believe everybody has style and your style is who you are. Fashion let’s me deeply understand who am I and what I am going to do. ITZME is based on my own personal style and this is me. In winter 2013 I embarked on a journey around the globe. Upon retiring from my travels in 2014, I channeled my experiences and inspiration into launching my own brand, ITZME.
– Most played track on your ipod right now?
My favorite song from Suvi – Find you
– Fashion DONT’S this season?
Don’t be scared to wear bright colors!
– Fashion DO’s this season?
Do get sporty. Do work bright colors into life. Yellows, oranges and sky blue lend a girly touch to the athletic style.
– What’s your perfect holiday?
I think for me a perfect holiday depends on who you go with and no matter where you go and how you like to travel.
      – What’s next for Syza Zhang/ITZME? 
Very exciting news! I am going to present my second collection at Hong Kong World Boutique Show in January 2015. I am looking forward to seeing my designs out there!