Lazy photo’s at the beach.
It’s always this time of year when I have no idea how to dress, one minute it’s pouring down with rain and the next minute, it’s screaming with sunshine! As every kiwi knows, New Zealand is an amazing place to live, it just likes to be really difficult weather wise…
Today’s post isn’t really focussed on my outfit. I have some scary/exciting news.
This may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but I have decided to quit my job. I am pretty determined to make sure 2015 has a lot of new challenges for me. I haven’t got a plan set in stone to share with you guy’s yet but I have started to accept that I don’t have to have my whole life completely planned out either. Earlier in the week I was seriously struggling with this, and I may of had a few panic attacks along the way. Thankfully I have people around me that listen to my babbling so I was able to get everything off my chest.
I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and saw some life lessons written by Regina Brett, I thought I would share a few key ones with you guys, because they really helped me this week. Even if your not in “freak-out” mode, they are some great lessons that it’s important we remember.
-When in doubt, just take the next small step
-Don’t compare your life to others. You don’t know what their journey is all about
-Be eccentric now, don’t wait for old age to wear purple
-No one is in charge of your happiness, but you
-Don’t take yourself so seriously, no one else does.
-Get outside everyday, miracles are waiting everywhere.