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March 2015


Let’s go to the Hop!

March 29, 2015

Hey guys! I just got back from the Beach Hop down in Whangamata!

A week of red lips, winged eyeliner, pretty dresses…. Oh and some classic cars too 😛

I am way too excited to post these photo’s! Richard’s photo taking skills are getting better and better, so naturally I need to show them off! I am obsessed with this cute little boatshed! Also thanks to my sister for lending me a couple of her cute dresses!

Bring on Beach Hop 2016 xxx

Antoinette Bonbon Girls, Beach Hop


How The F#*k do I wear Floral Jeans?

March 24, 2015

A couple of days ago I was asking some of the girls from work what my next topic for this   should be. Alicia, was telling me she had a pair of floral jeans, and she had no idea what to pair them with. Initially, I didn’t think floral jeans would really be a challenge? Floral jeans have been around for quite some time now… and every second girl on the street is wearing them (with good reason too!)

Then she explained that they felt like pyjama pants when she wore them out and struggled trying to pair them with other items in her wardrobe, so I decided to put together a few images where I think floral jeans look amazing. This post will hopefully inspire her and anyone else who may struggle with the confidence to get these babies on!

1. I found this image on Pinterest, there was definitely a strong trend of girls wearing there floral jeans with nude heels and a jacket/cardy I think this look stood out to me because of all the small details. The chunky necklace is perfectly understated because of her black singlet. I’m ALL about the minor details that complete a look

2. More nude shoes, but they are definitely not boring. Making sure your toes are freshly painted! It’s always a little cringe worthy having chipped nails with open toe shoes (Bright toes with nude shoes are a DO)

3. Pairing with Metallic shoes and then keeping everything else simple. Floral jeans are such a statement piece you don’t want to wear them with anything else too patterned. I’m usually all for rule breaking but in this case it’s nice to keep the jeans your statement.

4. These jeans are so girly so sometimes it’s nice to break away from that girly-ness and pair them with a cool army jacket like this one.

5. Cute look for autumn, soft colours and flattering little ankle boots tie in perfectly together.

So I hope that at least one of these five looks has in some way inspired you to dust off those floral jeans in your closet. Now it’s your turn to tell me, what have I missed? What do you like to wear with floral jeans or do you just avoid this trend altogether?

BB x


I Love you New Zealand <3

March 22, 2015

Going through some of my photo’s from this weekend, I decided I had to share them with you. New Zealand, you are such a beautiful country, and I feel so blessed to live here :)

So thanks to my dad, who dragged 8 of us out for a two day tramp in Whatipu. It was extremely difficult, but definitely a great sense of achievement afterwards. It may be a while until my next one, so I hope you enjoy the pictures!



Highlights from BFS: Trelise Cooper

March 20, 2015

Lunchtime today, the Britomart Fashion Sessions kicked off, I was late (as usual) but after missing the start I managed to snap some of my favourite looks from the Trelise Cooper show.

Loved all the sequins, quirky patterns and tweed. The make up was absolutely beautiful too, dewy skin with a thick line of glitter under the eyes…. swoon!

 What do you guys think?

BB x


An Ode to Edie

March 15, 2015

Edie Sedgwick-With her good girl gone bad aesthetic, lashings of mascara and bleached hair with dark roots, Edie was the original it girl of ’65

Hey everyone! While I write this, the rain pouring outside. Yes cyclone Pam is here, well apart of her is anyway. Luckily in Auckland we didn’t receive her presence too seriously..  These photo’s were taken before the storm came along. It was pretty windy though (hence why I’m holding onto my hat for most of the photo’s).

On this lovely but windy Sunday, it was a pretty casual one, we decided to try out lunch at Francs in Takapuna, recommend btw… except for the coffee, maybe I got a bad batch, but I was not a fan! I decided to wear one of my favourite dresses. My Andy Warhol dress featuring it girl Edie Sedgwick, I bought the dress from Pepe Jeans in Amsterdam last year (Oh how I miss it there….) pairing it with my trusty Michael Kors shoes and a hat my momma gave me. I think I’m becoming a “hat” person- especially on the days where my hair looks like the vacuum cleaner tried to suck it up.

P.S Things are getting pretty real now.. Three days left at work, eeeeek!

BB x


Dealing with Change.

March 8, 2015



Lazy photo’s at the beach.

It’s always this time of year when I have no idea how to dress, one minute it’s pouring down with rain and the next minute, it’s screaming with sunshine! As every kiwi knows, New Zealand is an amazing place to live, it just likes to be really difficult weather wise…

Today’s post isn’t really focussed on my outfit. I have some scary/exciting news.

This may not seem like a big deal to most of you, but I have decided to quit my job. I am pretty determined to make sure 2015 has a lot of new challenges for me. I haven’t got a plan set in stone to share with you guy’s yet but I have started to accept that I don’t have to have my whole life completely planned out either. Earlier in the week I was seriously struggling with this, and I may of had a few panic attacks along the way. Thankfully I have people around me that listen to my babbling so I was able to get everything off my chest.

I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and saw some life lessons written by Regina Brett, I thought I would share a few key ones with you guys, because they really helped me this week. Even if your not in “freak-out” mode, they are some great lessons that it’s important we remember.

-When in doubt, just take the next small step

-Don’t compare your life to others. You don’t know what their journey is all about

-Be eccentric now, don’t wait for old age to wear purple

-No one is in charge of your happiness, but you

-Don’t take yourself so seriously, no one else does.

-Get outside everyday, miracles are waiting everywhere.



Industry Awards last night!

March 1, 2015

So as I mentioned in my last post, it was the NZ Hair Industry Awards last night. Basically a night to dress up and celebrate the industry. I decided to get some photo’s of my outfit before we headed out as it was such a beautiful day!

I was a finalist for Newcomer of the Year with my shoot  and my make up artist and photographer were also finalists in their categories. I’m sooo stoked that our shoot placed in two events, Jemima took out MAC Makeup artist of the Year and I was announced the Organic Colour System’s New Comer of the year!

I’m very proud of our little team… There was no big budget or studio booked out, it was just us three making some magic in James’ lounge with some pretty sexy models and some borrowed clothes. So thank you again models and team 😀

Unfortunately I didn’t get photo’s at the actual event but I’ll probably find other’s too steal 😛


Top Valleygirl

Skirt Forever New

Shoes Mi Piaci