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May 2015

My Work

Simone and Paris.

May 28, 2015




bonbon-girls-cute-nz-models-designer Simone-nz-model-grunge-tumblr-girl-bonbon-girls


Simone and Paris.

 A few months back we shot the two blonde babes wearing NZ designer ITZME. This shoot is a little different to our normal style and I’m digging it, getting some Sky Ferreira vibes <3 Yes, I’ve linked her video below because lets face it, her three minute selfie video is hot. I could watch it all day….

Leather jacket is by Karl Lagerfeld, bralette is Goss Lingerie and denim jacket is models own.


Photographer, James Yang


Styling, me :)

Models Simone and Paris, Unique



Bonbon goes Mod

May 27, 2015



Hey guys! Here are a couple of my favourite shots from my collaboration with Devel Branded, which is run by the lovely Danielle, a NZ retro designer. Devel is filled with a lot of cute, sassy garments. The dress and jacket that I wore for this shoot is from her Sprinkles and cream range. It’s super adorable and the lining is gorgeous! (Let’s just say it looks like sprinkles and cream literally)

So I hope you enjoy and be sure to check out the rest of her range here

Photos, dress and jacket: Danielle,






Weekend Recap

May 25, 2015

 Who’s already having weekend withdrawals? I definitely am, but hey it’s Hump Day tomorrow! Last weekend I  had such a fun, busy few day filled with yummy food and photo shoots. I thought I would share with you all what I have been up to 😀


Bonbon Girl Calissa Mustard skater skirt


Yes Friday, is a part of my weekend! Probably one of my favourite days off. I had very fun Friday shooting with James Yang for my new online store! We shot in James’ daughters bedroom hehe the pink wall worked wonders, can’t wait to release the shots! I just got a sneak peek at them yesterday and I’m really excited to post! Calissa was our gorgeous model and she killed the shots, seriously what a babe!! The colours and clothes looked amazing. She makes for the perfect lil #bonbongirl! Here are some sneaky pics of how everything went down.

Bonbon girls devel clothing sixties fashion


I finally got myself down to Little and Friday in New Market. I know… I’m always late to jump on the “cool things to do” bandwagon, and I only had my iphone on me so I couldn’t get any decent pictures of their awesome set up, but check out this DOUGHNUT!!! Every foodies dream! After my visit I met up with Danielle from Devel Clothing for a mini shoot for her Sprinkles and Cream collection. I’m obsessed with this dress and jacket, loving the sixties vibes. Full shoot will be up tomorrow 😀



Such a miserable wet Sunday! Spent the morning chilling out, we decided to get Netflix which is so perfect for this weather but OMG I think I will  be spending a lot more time than necessary watching my favourite TV shows and movies. Around midday we decided to shoot my next looks post which will be going up this week sometime :) We then went out to the sushi train for dinner with some friends! Sooo good! I love the Sushi train!! I always end up grabbing way too many plates off the train, but it’s totally worth it 😀

What did you guys get up to for the weekend? I’m all for trying new places around Auckland so comment your best spots below!



My Unofficial list of bloggers you NEED to know.

May 21, 2015

Antoinette Bonbon- Favourite bloggers- fashion bloggers

Since I have started blogging I have developed quite a few strong blog “crushes”

Some might even say, an unhealthy addiction? I say “Blogs not Drugs” haha. The following bloggers are so inspiring to me, not only do they all work very hard to bring the best possible content for their readers, they appear to do it with great ease. I had to be quite selective with this list because their are so many great bloggers out there these days, but these ones in particular stand out to me. Weather it’s their great style, the photo’s or the advice, they each put 110% into their work and it truly pays off. These are my six favourite’s and I hope that after reading this post some of them might become your favourites too!



I know. Your all dying from the cuteness right? I think I first found Mermaidens on Instagram a while ago and instantly fell in love. She creates such a perfect feed and you can tell how much work she must put into it. Every single post fits into her aesthetic 100% and her style is absolute perfection. If the little mermaid were a real person, Mermaidens would be her.

Gary Pepper


Everyone knows who Gary Pepper is right? How could I not include her in this list? She’s completely gorgeous and her photo’s are some of the best I have seen…. I remember years ago, I was reading about Gary Pepper Vintage (which was her online vintage store at the time) in Frankie Magazine. I jumped on the computer to check out all the clothes and fell in love with all the colours and unique styles. I have since learnt that she gave up her two internships at Harpers Bazaar and Grazier to chase her dreams and become a full time blogger! A few years went by and she is still my favourite person to read about. Things are only getting better for Gary Pepper and she deserves it!



Victoria from Inthefrow is absolutely stunning. She has some of the best blog posts I have read, I can spend hours just chilling out and reading what she has to say. She also has her own YouTube channel, where she posts make up tutorials, clothing hauls and general chitter chatter. I love knowing that every time I visit her blog or channel their will always be something new to read or watch. She keeps her posts updated all the time without letting the quality slip.

K is for Kani


I’ve actually only started reading Connie’s blog for the last couple of weeks. But what can I say? I LOVE it. Her images are beyond stunning and I adore her style. Connie travels all over the world for her blog, including New Zealand when she came over for NZFW last year. I’m a very visual person and both her blog and Instagram are very pleasing to the eye. If you love florals and bright fun colours, you will love Connie’s blog.

Gala Darling


Gala, who is originally from New Zealand promotes Radical Self Love, she helps woman all over the world to start believing in themselves again. Not only that, but to fall in love with themselves. She has just released her first ever book which also happens to be called “Radical Self Love” I’m pretty excited for the release date! She now spends her time travelling all over the world, blogging and teaching classes for her “Blog Academy” This girl could not be any busier! I am expecting big things from this girl so you should definitely keep an eye on her!

Julia and Libby


For all your nourishing food, beauty and lifestyle needs, look no further than the heavenly duo, Julia and Libby. Two sisters who believe in a holistic way of life. These girls have everything covered from DIY face masks to recreating the snickers bar (healthy style) I am so glad I stumbled across their facebook page when they were initially starting out! I have been hooked ever since.

So there we go. My unofficial list of bloggers you all need to know, I hope you take the time to check at least one of them out and if you have any favourite bloggers, make sure you link them in the comments section so I can take a look!



Baby, it’s cold outside

May 17, 2015


Auckland Fashion blogger

As the seasons get a little cooler, the more I find myself reaching for my favourite winter coats. This one from Forever New is not only incredibly affordable but I love the way it sits on me. Because of the fit and colour of the coat it seems to have an expensive feel to it. Nudes and creamy colours seem to fit in well with any wardrobe, which seems to be why I am usually picking them off the rack first! Anything that can be easily matched with other items I already own is a win.

I seem to always be a sucker for Forever New. Whenever I walk into one of their stores I fall in love with all the pretty pastels and light colours. The style is incredibly girly and I fall for it every time. In saying that, I haven’t regretted anything that I have purchased from their yet! It manages to keep you looking styled without it costing an arm and a leg.

So what do you guys think? Are you team Forever New? Or do you prefer to shop somewhere a little less generic?

Photos by the always amazing

Pretty Gardens, Auckland fashion

Pretty winter gardens, Forever New cream coat

Winter Jacket

Style, Antoinette Bonbongirls

Auckland Fashion

Forever New coat

Forever New coat


Stop Apologising for being You.

May 15, 2015

Stop Saying Sorry  Sorry not sorry

Let start with the fact that I have terrible skin. (I understand it could be a lot worse but it is one issue that really gets me down) I was modelling for a shoot the other day and usually the first thing I do when I arrive, before the make up artist starts applying my make up is apologise for my skin. It’s like, a natural defence…? This time, before I blurted out the usual “sorry” I thought, wait a minute why am I apologising for something I can’t control? I eat well, I look after my skin, it’s purely down to genetics, and I can’t help that! It really got me thinking.

Why as woman, are we are constantly saying sorry?

I have been so guilty of this and it’s such a tough habit to ditch, but it’s definitely possible. I feel like woman are constantly over-apologising for everything. It’s like the word Sorry has been drilled into our brains. We apologise for asking question’s at work, we apologise when were asking someone to help us out or even for being who we naturally are as people. Not just with our appearance but with how we express ourselves.

Why do we need to apologise for this?  Is it not our right to ask questions? Or to express who we are as individuals? Are we apologising because we need some type of confirmation that it’s okay to ask these things, or that it’s ok that we have terrible skin, or that it’s ok that we express ourselves in a certain way……Why do we need someone else to tell us it’s ok?

All this apologising not only makes our true apologies seem insincere, it makes us seem less confident in ourselves.

I think it’s time we only used the word “sorry” for an actual apology. Not because we think it’ll make us feel better about ourselves. What do you guys think, do you notice this about woman as well? Share your thoughts, I’d love to hear!



May 14, 2015

Hey Guys! Just a very quick post to tell you about Bloglovin!

You may have heard of it, but in case you haven’t, it’s an amazing site where you can follow all your favourite bloggers, save your favourite posts to read later on and get in touch with the rest of the blogging world. Well I’ve only just started my account up so if you love reading blog posts like me 😛 You will LOVE Bloglovin.

It’s way easier to follow all your favourite bloggers on one site rather than a million different sites right? I’m really excited about joining this community, so come on over, soak up the great posts and be sure to follow me over there too! <3

(Click the picture above to be directed to my page)


Blue is the warmest colour

May 11, 2015


Hey everyone!

I feel like I haven’t posted in ages! Some of my posts are now lost in translation due to the changeover to my new site. I hope you guys are liking the new layout, I think it feels more “clean” if that makes sense? Anyway you can look forward to lot’s more posts without the terrible ads down the bottom of the page! I have lots of cool ideas, I’m just running out of time to fit them all in. I’ll get there!

Today I wanted to share with you some pictures Richard and I took on the weekend at this deserted little place near his work. We thought it could make some cool pictures and I was super keen to shoot my new shoes from Forever 21. Ugh, why can’t we have Forever 21 in New Zealand? The store’s are so huge and it’s so cheap in comparison to New Zealand!…Unfortunately they did get really muddy :( We had to climb through all sorts of mud and bush to get inside, I went home and cleaned them up straight away!


Jacket: Farmers

Shirt: Queenshop

Pants: Glassons

Shoes: Forever 21




Antoinette, Auckland Fashion Blogger
