Monthly Archives

August 2015


My Fashion Week Looks

August 31, 2015

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Outfit number one is mostly stolen from my moms wardrobe. I love being able to steal her clothes! This look is a little more grungy then my normal I suppose. I love it though, I just think it’s super cool yet casual.

Leather Vest is by Jane Norman. Black T-shirt Dress Capture (I’m guessing Farmers?)

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Outfit two is a super girly dress, broken up with black boots and a leather jacket so it’s not too girly. I like breaking up outfits with more grungy pieces so their a little more rock n roll. My style is always changing, some days I want to dress like a princess and then other days I just want to wear tight black pants and leather boots. This just sits in the middle of that :)

Leather Jacket by Karl Lagerfeld. Lace Dress Bonbon Girls. Ankle Boots by Kookai.

mint shorts

Outfit three is incredibly light and girly and I love it! I have worn this coat a few times on the blog already but that’s just because I really like it. I’m loving the mint green too, its just a nice pretty colour and I feel like it suits a lot of different skin tones too.

Coat and Shorts both Forever New. Top by ??? Shoes by Mi Piaci


So, which outfit is your fave? One, two or three?

If you read my last post about Fashion week, you will know that I actually didn’t have the best time there, but I’m definitely going to be back next year I ‘ll just be a little more prepared! As much as I love the fashion, the designers and the creativity, it’s no secret that I’m a little put off by some of the negative people that attend these events.

Here are some tips to my future self when I’m heading back down to fashion week

  1. Wear comfortable shoes. (Doesn’t matter if there heels or flats, just something that’s easy to wear all day)
  2. Dress like you normally would, don’t try go overboard to impress others.
  3. Carry a water bottle, the shows can get a little hot, especially if you have a full day of them so keep hydrated to keep you going!
  4. Taxi or get a ride in! Parking is a nightmare…
  5. Leave the heavy handbags at home
  6. There will be a lot of people there that think a little too highly of themselves, ignore them. That’s not why your there!



My First ever Fashion Week

August 27, 2015


It’s 7am, the irritating sound of my alarm goes off…. I want to stay in bed a little longer… and then I remember what day it is. Yes it’s Wednesday, but it’s not just any Wednesday. Today, is the first time I will be heading down to NZFW as a BLOGGER!!! I’m immediately overcome with nerves and excitement. Last year at NZFW, I was working as a hairstylist and when I saw all the amazing bloggers down there, I so badly wanted to be in their shoes. (literally) New Zealand Fashion Week was the very reason I decided to finally start my blog, so I guess this is a big deal for me..

Leaving my house at 9.30, which is a little early, but this gives me an hour and a half to get to the venue and find a park. As I get into the city, I now realise that I should have left even earlier…. Great, now I’m running late. Looking for a carpark that isn’t going to cost me $40 is proving to be a difficult task; note to self, next year get dropped off. Luckily I brought some flat shoes with me. When I finally park up, I throw on my flats and run to the venue.. But, I’m still too late and I miss the ITZME and Julian Danger show  (I was looking forward to that one so I’m a little gutted) I end up waiting in the foyer and having a coffee.

My next show is the Her Apparel and Willa & Mae show.  This should be good, I adore HER Apparel and have been following their journey for a while now… Both collections’ are amazing, I am so blown away by HER’s new collection, there are so many pieces I now need really badly and I can’t wait for the release date next year. I couldn’t find any more photo’s online,but the designs were really beautiful and the I loved the use of color.


My two favourite looks from the HER Apparel show, image source: nzfashionweek


Willa and Mae Image source: NZ fashion Week

After the show we have a quick glass of bubbly and then I head off to the NZ Weddings show. Waiting in the main foyer, the atmosphere is a little intimidating, I’m not going to lie.. (You know the drill, fashionistas that think they are a little too fabulous for their own good) I look around and notice some of the girls for the weddings show handing out cute gift baskets to all of the VIPs. I have to admit, I’m a little envious, those gift bags look pretty adorable. I keep waiting- Finally, they announce that they will be seating for the show. YAY! I can finally escape the awkwardness. I head up and hand the girl my ticket. “Oh, you’re only a GA!” she says really loudly. Now, I’m super embarrassed…. “Ahhh yeah, should I come back?” She then says they will only be seating the vip guests right now and I need to wait in line. I guess I should have expected this, I totally assumed that because I had been invited to the show that would mean my ticket was seated. I wait in line for maybe 10-15 minutes, watching the “important” people make their way inside. When I’m finally allowed in, I sit in one of the spare seats, it turns out there are over 100 spare seats anyway. So I do wonder why I had to wait so long…. Whatever, I sit down and enjoy the show.

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The Weddings Show Image source: Unknown

The show is really beautiful, I’m completely obsessed with all the lace and every delicate detail that goes into the gowns. If I’m being completely honest, when I found out I was going to a wedding show I thought it could potentially be a little boring, purely because I’m not exactly planning on getting married again anytime soon but I was proven wrong, the designs were all quite simply, stunning and the music for the show too was so good! (Music can really make or break a show) I sneakily had to pull out Shazam for a few of the songs.

 After the show, I meet up with another friend for a drink and then I head home. My feet are incredibly sore. I really should have left my flats on…. As I’m walking back to my car, I can’t help but feel a little flat about my fashion week experience. Although I had a good time overall, the attitude of some of the people there kind of got me down. I just really don’t like the “I’m too good for you attitude” at all. Maybe I just thought a little too highly of it in the first place. I don’t mean to sound bratty, I just want to give you guys my honest opinion about the day. Putting that aside, what the designers had put together was so phenomenal and I loved being able to watch the shows, after all that why I was there in the first place right? I will be back on Saturday with a open mind, and a rundown of my outfits, and some tips of what I have discovered from my first year at Fashion Week.

Beauty Features

Bossy Haul

August 21, 2015



Hey guys and welcome to my very first Haul post! I feel like this is so long overdue and I’m really excited about posting it! It is long so please feel free to only read the bits your interested in :)

Today I’m talking about the amazing New Zealand made, natural and vegan products, by the name of Bossy. Everything about Bossy is insanely cute. The packaging, the idea, the website, and of course the products themselves. I also just wanted to mention that the service given by Stephanie (who owns Bossy Cosmetics) is so rare and wonderful and I wished that it was more common but unfortunately that is not the case. So please, take the time to look at her wonderful site (linked below) and hopefully you will find a thing or two to try yourself, I promise you will not regret it!

Everything that is sent out to you is hand packaged, comes with a personal note and a little bag of colourful jelly beans.

I discovered Bossy Cosmetics on Instagram not too long a go. I think it was  who posted a photo of her lip scrub and then it went from there- Alyssa also has an amazing beauty blog by the way you should definitely check it out!

Anyway, lets get on with the haul!!


Bounce Deep Conditioning Hair Mask ($8.99- $16.99 on special!)

I’ve never done a mask like this one before. Usually I buy the masks where you use them like a conditioner, comb through, leave for 5mins and then rinse out. This was a slightly different process in the sense that you apply to dry hair. I quite liked that though, the fact that the water doesn’t dilute down the mask is great. I left in for an hour or so because I got distracted doing other things. I don’t think it makes a difference if you decide to leave it for longer. When you apply the mask its extremely oily and quite easy to comb through. The mask contains the much loved Argan oil, so not only is it extremely repairing it makes my hair feel really soft too (which is quite hard to achieve when your a bleached blonde) I honestly think this mask is just as good if not better than the salon quality masks that I’m used too. I have been using masks from the salon for years and I feel like Bounce makes my hair feel just as soft, shiny and healthy as the others.

Would I buy again? Yes, it’s such great value and works just as well as a Kerastase mask.


Boudoir Under Eye Butter Melt ($18.99 on special now!)

I have been using this morning and night under my eyes and between my brow. I have started noticing this fine line above my brow and I’m in no way shape or form ready for that, so this was at the top of the “things I want to trial list” It works against puffy eyes, fine lines and wrinkles. The packaging is very similar to that of a lip balm. You just twist the bottom and apply directly to the area and I usually dab into my skin gently. The star ingredient of this Under Eye Melt is the Carrot seed essential oil, which contains a large amount of antioxidants. The Carrot seed oil is extremely repairing and has been proven to rejuvenate skin cells, it’s also known to help improve eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. I have only been using the treatment for jus over a week but I am absolutely sold. I love it and I have definitely noticed a difference. My fine line is a distant memory… for now…

Would I buy again? Yes!!


Bubble Bath Scoops ($16.95)

Oh hell YES! Hehe I had so much fun with these babies. How cute is this? It looks good enough to eat and I have to say- these are probably some of the biggest bubbles I have ever had in a bath. My bath was literally exploding with bubbles, the lights in my bathroom are really yellow so I didn’t manage to get a pic of them in action :( Their are two scents to choose from – Tangerine or Sweet Dream Lavender. I trialled the sweet dream lavender and the pack came with 3 bubble bath scoops. I haven’t had a bubble bath in a while so  really liked getting to play with these! My skin felt really soft afterwards and it had a really light lavender scent left on it which I really liked. I was super relaxed after my bath and because the bubbles made the bath more “fun” I laid in there longer then I normally would, making me that little bit more relaxed and my skin that little bit more soft.

Would I buy again? You bet! Next time, I’ll try Tangerine just to change things up

Using both the Lip Scrub and Butter Whip

Using both the Lip Scrub and Butter Whip

Plumping Lip Scrub in Cinnamon Bun ($8.99 on special now!)

I was so excited to try this. Ever since I finished watching Orange is the New black I have been completely obsessed with Ruby Roses’ lips. I’m not game enough to get lip injections and when I have joked about it with friends, they just tell me I’m being ridiculous, so I have to find some effective natural remedies! When I opened the container I’m immediately impressed by the prettiness of the scrub, a pale pink, crystal like texture and I’m automatically obsessed. So I read the instructions and apply the scrub to my lips. Wooo… Feel the burn. Yep, this scrub is TINGLY but only for a minute or so, the peppermint and cinnamon oil cause your lips to plump up in a matter of minutes. When I rinsed the scrub off I was super impressed by the results, my lips are noticeably fuller and plump. I’m not sure what the longevity is like because I obviously don’t stare at my lips the whole day but the immediate results are amazing.

Would I buy again? Yes, this is a total game changer.

Oh la la Lip Balm Butter Whip ($6.99 on special now!)

I go through so much lip balm. Like a ridiculous amount. In fact, this tub is almost finished! Needless to say I have enjoyed using it. It’s light and creamy and lasts quite well. Like the rest of the range, it’s a very natural product, containing coconut oil, cocoa butter, manuka honey and vitamin E, which also means the texture changes up slightly, not on your lips of course- just when it’s in the container. Depending on the weather, if it’s a cold day it goes quite hard and in the warmer weather its a lot creamier, which makes it a lot easier to apply. I don’t mind this because I’m used to using coconut oils on my skin and it is the exact same thing. It makes it a little harder to apply when it hardens but it’s a small price to pay when your using a natural product.

Would I buy again? Yes I would. The pro’s outweigh the one con and the container is very easy to carry around in your bag.


Sugar Scrub Scoop ($4.99)

The smell was divine and I love that it looks like a cute scoop of sorbet, but I usually prefer my scrubs to be a little more “scrubby” than this one. It was quite gentle and left my skin feeling amazingly soft but in future I’ll stick to my full on body washes or scrubs. I just prefer something that make’s you feel like you’ve had a really good scrub.

Would I buy again? Probably not. But only because I prefer a rougher textured scrub, if you prefer something a little gentler, this is a beautiful product and the caramel scent is lovely.


Glowy Strobe Effect ($11.99 on special now!)

This is actually my first ever highlighter (I know, very late to jump on the bandwagon!) What can I say? I’m obsessed- this highlighter has been so much fun to play around with. I find that introducing new products into my make up bag gives me a little more inspiration to try new looks too which is always fun. I’m not sure what other highlighters are actually like, so it’s hard for me to review, but what I can say is this is a very shimmery light powder which I dust over the top of my cheek bones and lightly over the centre of my forehead. I feel like it highlights my features really well and lasts all day too. I have already made the mistake of going a little overboard with the highlighter causing me to look very cakey, so make sure you only use a little and then you can work your way up! When done right this highlighter is so amazing, and that price is ridiculous!! I look forward to many more glowy days.

Would I buy again? Abso-friggin-lutely!

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The Ooh La La French Clay Mask ($12.50 on special now!)

Ooh La La in deed. I used the French Clay Mask for Oily, Combination and Acne Skin. I really liked that the mask itself came in the powder form which you then mixed with equal parts of water to make a paste like texture. You can make up to ten treatments from one pack which I thought was also really good value. The mask came with the cute wooden spoon to mix everything up and I also used it to help apply the mask ( I mostly just used my fingers though) The day that I used this mask, I had woken up with a slight reaction from my bleach which I had done the day prior. Small red bump around my hairline (eeep) I was a little hesitant to putting any products on my skin as I didn’t want to cause more of a reaction but decided that because Bossy is so natural and repairing, it could just be the best thing for it. My skin felt super tight while the mask was on and I left it to dry on my face for about 20minutes. After I rinsed the mask off my skin felt clean and refreshed, and yes the irritations had definitely settled down! (Life saver)

Would I buy again? Yes! This mask is the perfect little skin pick me up!


That’s all for today guys, I have a few more products I still need to review, so keep your eyes out for a Part two coming soon. Let me know if you enjoyed this post by leaving me a comment below, and of course if you have any questions about Bossy or any other products, let me know!

You can check out Bossy for yourself, 

Beauty How to:

How to style a grown out pixie

August 16, 2015

bonbon girls, styling, short blonde hair, bob,Finally tired of that cute pixie cut you’ve been rocking? Or maybe you finally decided to take the plunge and chop it all off only to realise your face shape does not suit your new do at all? Whatever the reason- Growing out a pixie is a long drawn out process and it tends to be a less than fun experience. Be prepared for the awkward bowlcut stage, the “too short to be a bob stage” and then the awkward flicks when you finally make it to shoulder length (by the time you make it to that stage you really won’t mind the flicks I’m sure)

This year I decided to grow out my pixie cut. I’m not even sure why- I think i just felt like a change. I actually love pixies but I have made it to far to turn back now and i’m quite enjoying the change. I thought I would show you guys some of the styles I have rocking as of late. They are all really simple and easy ways to change up your look during the awkward stages. I have just made it into the “not quite a bob stage” I’m almost there, and a bob is my end goal so I’m really not too far off my goal!

pastel pink, bob, blonde bob, bonbon girls

1. Freshly blow waved.

When your hair is freshly cut and styled you always feel better about it, so not only is a great confidence booster but it’s also going to help your hair grow out more evenly. I just had my hair shaped and thinned out so I’m feeling pretty good about the style now. When you do finally decide to cut some shape into your hair make sure you go to a hairstylist you trust or have been recommended (there are so many out there that have no idea what they are doing!) When you have a good hairdresser, tell them exactly what your end goal is. Usually they will avoid taking length off (unless it’s really needed) and make sure to give it a good thin out and style. Make sure you and your hairdresser are on the same page before you start the cut! The last thing you need, is to be upset because they took way to much off! For my style, I just asked for a good thin out and to shape the back a little more (it was getting a little mullet like!) The front pieces still have a little more growing to do, so keeping the back trimmed and styled is really important to make it feel like a proper haircut rather than just a unflattering grow out phase.

2. Braids

Braids are so cute and so feminine. Almost everyone loves a little braid, so don’t be afraid to get creative with it! I’m not very good at braiding myself but simple little French braid like this is so easy to achieve and I was really happy with the result.


3. Slicked back

Whether you like it slicked back in a headband or just with a little gel, this is a ultra modern look and is actually a great way to hide the shorter bits around your hairline. I find at this length- the shorter bits around my face are always getting in the way so why wouldn’t I want to pull them away from my face? I’m really into pulling it back into a cute headband it makes my hair feel more “bob” like.



4. Top knot

I’m obsessed with creating top knots lately, I just think they are a cute way to add some difference to my hair style. Super easy to create also. Just like a normal top knot but leaving out the bottom sections. My hair is obviously bleached so I like to straighten my hair out with my GHD’s firstly to get it ultra sleek, and then knot the top. Cute and youthful hair with a difference. Don’t worry about getting it perfect- If your hair is short it will never be a perfect topknot so embrace the messiness.


So now you hopefully have a few more ideas on how to style your grown out pixie, I hope you guys like the styles I have been wearing lately! Leave me a comment below if you enjoyed this post or if you have any tips for me I would love to hear about them! Also, thanks so much to the girls at Marilyn’s for looking after me with my new cut and colour, check them out if your in Auckland ladies, they will be sure to look after your do!


August 12, 2015

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 Helllllllo! I thought I would just use today’s post to update you all on what’s happening. I have been doing loads of beauty posts lately and I haven’t really been sharing whats actually been happening in my life haha, so I thought I would touch base with you guys and share what I have been up to this past week and what some of my plans are in the no so distant future!

I actually just got back from Taupo, so I’m feeling more exhausted then ever but I’m ready to get stuck into creating loads more posts and hopefully some tutorials as well. I’m a little nervous about doing my own tutorials because the thought of “teaching” terrifies me. But…. I’m excited because I’m going to start my own YouTube channel up soon and I’m thinking that video’s will just help me to explain myself a little better..? This weekend I’m going to meet with a friend of mine who is going to help me with editing my vids. I’m such a rookie so don’t expect anything too great haha. I’m thinking my first video will be ready in a couple of weeks :)


This year will be my first ever year to head down to New Zealand Fashion Week and blog about the shows that I will be attending!!! I am so excited :) I worked as a hairstylist last year, it’s long days and tough work but such an amazing experience for sure. I’m hoping to be a little more involved this year and get a whole lot more pics to share with you guys too!

If you have liked my page on Facebook, you probably already know that this year I have been selected as a top five finalist for the H.I.T.O Hot New Talent Competition. Which means I could also be working as a stylist at NZFW as well! It will be a full on experience if I do make it through and I’m pretty excited that I have made it this far. There were hundreds of entrants so the fact I made it to the top five is pretty amazing! This would be such a great opportunity for me as a stylist and blogger, so thanks to everyone who has liked my pictures in the album, you guys rock!

If you are a pretty neat guy or gal and you haven’t liked my pics yet, you can do so

(every like helps!)



I also just wanted to share with you guys a couple of things I have been LOVING this past week, I have been playing with the Bossy Cosmetics Highlighter, it’s insane! I have never been one for highlighting, not because I don’t like it- but because I never got around to actually going out and buying one! I don’t think I can go back now, so thanks Bossy for introducing me! What’s better than glowy healthy looking skin right? It changes my whole make up look and I’m totally addicted. Watch out for a big review post for  coming soon :)

Also, I received this cute new Lace top by Newdress, which is an insanely cheap online store in Asia. I was also sent some distressed jeans…..but they don’t fit me :( Also they aren’t the ones I had initially ordered, so be wary if you do decide to buy anything from their store…. I am quite impressed with this cute little top though… It always comes down to, you get what you pay for! The cheapness of the store is so ridiculous however, so you can definitely walk away with some bargains.


Last weekend we celebrated my nan’s 70th Birthday at the Hilton in Taupo, the weekend went way too fast! I didn’t get to do half the things I wanted, but the birthday was such a great night. The food at the Hilton was soo good, and we were looked after really well! Here are some of my favourite pics from the night <3

Nothing is better than family

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Wishlist / The cutest bags for Spring

August 6, 2015

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Kate Sylvester Kara Backpack / Skinny Dip Mermaid Shell Bag / Moschino Patent Leather Bag

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MyDeerFox Diamond Bag /  Forever New Rosie Saddle Bag / Poppy Lissiman Eye Heart You Clutch / Gorman Casato Leather Bag

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  / ASOS Colourblock Satchel

Dreamy pastels, unique designs and extremely detailed bags are a not so new crush of mine. I have always had my eye on these quirky fun bags and it has lead me to creating this wish list. These bags are a perfect combination of colour blocking, colour clashing and adding a element of pastel to your overall look. After spending hours of looking through ASOS, The Whitepepper and ShopBop I have come to the conclusion that I must add one to my collection…  I’m thinking the Skinny Dip Mermaid bag, seriously how adorable is this bag?

Which bag are you lusting after?


A little pampering with MOR

August 5, 2015

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I absolutely adore MOR products, so when I was invited to try their new range, Correspondence, I was beyond excited. I have been a long time fan of their Marshmallow Hand cream, which lead to trying out their body wash and has now turned into somewhat of an addiction.  I love the packaging and the new fragrances’ of their new range, Correspondence also. Quite different to their current range that I am used too, a little less girly in comparison and more neutral especially with the packaging. MOR does not test any of their products on animals and is made in Australia, which is also a massive bonus in my books. I know I’m not alone when I say I don’t understand why some companies feel it’s still necessary to test on animals. So after reading that MOR is locally made and animal cruelty free, I was quite happy to add to my collection.


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The Correspondence Cyclamen Tuberose Body Cream

What I like about this body cream is the texture. I like that it is really creamy and moisturizing, yet not so heavy it leaves your skin feeling greasy. It soaks up into your pores perfectly leaving your skin creamy and smooth. It contains Rooiboos Extract which means it contains anti-oxidants and  anti-aging benefits. I know I’m still young but this is something that is really important to me. Ever since I turned 20, I have been after products that contain anti-oxidants and I try to give my skin the best nourishment I can. The packaging is pretty, simple and would look good in any bathroom. My only problem with the cream is the fragrance… I’m sorry I really want to like it, and don’t get me wrong it’s not a unpleasant fragrance, but I feel like it’s a little too mature for me, this is obviously just my personal preference, maybe in a couple of years time this will be the perfect fragrance for me. For now, I will definitely finish the tub, and as a whole I really like this cream.


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The Triple Milled Soap Bar – Cyclamen Tuberose

The key ingredients in this soap are Shea Butter and Vitamin E meaning the soap bar is designed to keep your skin smooth and supple. I’ll be honest- I had to look up what Triple Milled meant, I found out that it means the soap is refined three or more times, making it a lot more creamier to use than your normal soap bar you find in store. The fragrance of this soap is the same as the body cream, but because I’m only using this soap bar on my hands I really don’t mind it too much. It’s not normally what I would go for in store, but it’s a refreshing change. Quite floral but not so overpowering.


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The Correspondance Fragrant Candle- Cyclamen Tuberose

This candle is just so pretty! I love it… In fact I  think I’ll end up keeping the jar for something because it’s just adorable. I’m not sure what yet… but I’ll figure that out. The fragrance is Cycalmen Tuberose again, but like the soap, this candle’s scent is a lot less concentrated then the cream. I have it burning next to my bath and it’s gorgeous. Really soft floral tones and leaves a nice warm feeling. The perfect bath time essential.


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The Correspondence Hand and Body Wash- Pepperberry Cardamom

This is my probably my favorite from the range so far. Enriched with Chamomile, Pomegranate and Rooiboos Extract, again with the anti-oxidants! I adore the smell. It packs a punch in comparison to the other scents from the range and that’s what I like. This body wash is really nourishing so your skin doesn’t feel dry after using and it leaves your skin delicately scented. If I had to pick one product to recommend from the range I would probably choose this body wash. I really love finding new body wash’s, it’s always such a great feeling when your hoping out of the shower smelling like your favorite fragrance, instant confidence booster and extremely motivating for the morning!


Let me know if you plan on trialing any of the products for yourself I would love to hear your thoughts on the new range too, I know you can find them Redcurrent stores and also online here :)